A detailed menu of the "Favorite" diet for 7 days and reviews of it

Favorite diet has been named after many. This technique is simple and economical in terms of money and time. However, this is not the most important thing.

Attractive because of its high performance, as the rapid process of weight loss is often the criterion in choosing how to treat hated pounds.

What is a "Favorite" diet?

Weight loss on this diet is based on organizing a "fasting" week. The menu is based on a varied product list. It can be protein food, fruits, vegetables, milk and more.

However, these should be used strictly separately. And that doesn’t just mean sharing different meals. The whole diet is based on "one product a day".

The "Favorite" diet activates metabolic processes thanks to such a diet. The energy costs of digesting food separately increase significantly.

Nutritionists believe that eating a certain food in addition to the needs of the body does not affect calories.

For example, the essence of protein day:

  • first the need of the body extends to this element;
  • the remaining amount is digested but not absorbed (i. e. , energy costs are wasted, which is the basis of the weight loss process).

In addition, consuming protein and carbohydrates separately reduces the likelihood of fat deposits.

Articles of Association

The "Favorite" diet is a must-have:

  • Before eating (half an hour) you should drink a glass of water.This will wake up the digestive system and prepare you for the upcoming digestion of food.
  • Consumption during the diet“Favorite” is only possible between meals (30 minutes before or 60 minutes after). There is no dosage limit for water- and sugar-free drinks. The minimum marking is 1, 5 liters.
  • Per serving- up to 300 grams.
  • The number of meals a day- up to five times.
  • During the "Favorite" diet, simple carbohydrates should be excluded from the diet as much as possible.
  • You must give up high physical activity during the course.It is best to replace sport with regular free running.
  • Mental overload should be ruled out as much as possible during the "Favorite" diet. This is due to the fact that brain performance is significantly reduced in the absence of glucose.

Dietary products


List of components that can be used when creating the menu.

Compote for a daily diet

Alcohol Diet Day:

  • compote;
  • lean meat / fish broths;
  • smoothies;
  • fruit / vegetable cocktails (have a cleansing effect on the digestive system);
  • milk;
  • gel;
  • fermented milk drinks.

The highest efficiency is observed when building a menu based on kefir and milk.

Vegetable Day:

  • Vegetables (other than roasted);
  • salads from them.

The latter can be supplemented with a small dose of vegetable oil. Particular emphasis should be placed on cabbage. In addition to its rich chemical composition, it is characterized by its ability to accelerate the burning of adipose tissue.

Protein Day:

  • lean fish;
  • chicken (skin to be removed);
  • beans;
  • nuts;
  • soy;
  • cheeses;
  • boiled egg white;
  • cottage cheese;
  • peas.

The Fruit Day portion can be made from any fruit. Bananas are an exception. This is due to its high calorie content and ability to activate appetite.

There are no restrictions on the use of sweetener-free tea throughout the course.


Affected by:

  • soda;
  • purchased juices;
  • fatty fish;
  • fatty meats;
  • salt;
  • high fat dairy products;
  • sour cream;
  • mayonnaise;
  • alcoholic beverages;
  • sugar.

The Benefits of Dieting

Positive aspects of your favorite diet:

  • Fast results.Weight loss occurs after the first day of technique. Giving up the extra pounds is quite real.
  • Different menu.It is made individually based on personal eating preferences. The fact that the products change from day to day increases the tolerance of the "Favorite" slimming method.
  • Economy and simplicity.The menu can consist of cheap, easily accessible components. It will not be difficult to sit on this diet.
  • There is a high probability of long-term preservation of the effect achieved.As a result of the limited amount of parts, the size of the stomach gradually decreases. This fact further contributes to the fastest saturation.
  • External transformations under the influence of the investigated method.As a result of the recommended diet, the cleansing process begins. The net effect is to improve the appearance of the hair and the condition of the skin.

Disadvantages of the diet

The technique also has some drawbacks.

They are represented by the following aspects:

  • ContraindicationsA combination of technique and increased physical activity.
  • Lack of vitamins and elements.The human body needs a daily supply of nutrients. Lack of this can affect the functioning of internal organs and systems.
  • Combining diet and workdayor active rest is difficult. Revitalizing the intestines and urinary tract causes a feeling of embarrassment and discomfort. Based on this, when planning such weight loss, you need to focus on your vacation or more days off.


for 7 days

The "Favorite" method of weight loss involves the following intraday rotation (focusing on the week):

  • day of drinking;
  • vegetables;
  • repeat the first day;
  • fruits;
  • proteins;
  • repeat the first day;
  • balanced diet.

The last day of the studied method is characterized by the possibility of combining the dishes of the previous days.

Sun Menu
Day 1 Breakfast:milk.


Afternoon snack:jelly.


Day 2 Breakfast:cucumber.

Lunch:vegetable salad.


Dinner:fried vegetables.

Day 3 Breakfast: kefir.

Lunch: soup.

Snack: milk.

Dinner: jelly.

Day 4 Breakfast:apples.

Lunch:fruit salad.



Day 5 Breakfast: omelette.

Lunch: chicken.

Snack: fish.

Dinner: cottage cheese.

Day 6 Breakfast: milk;

Lunch: soup;

Snack: compote;

Dinner: yogurt.

Day 7 Breakfast: fish;

Lunch: soup;

Snack: fruit salad;

Dinner: vegetable salad.

The soup can be cooked in water or broth. Cereals (such as buckwheat) and vegetables can be added.

Any meat and fish can only be cooked. For culinary healers, they can first be marinated in various spices and then baked in the oven.

for 14 days

The recommended duration is one calendar week. However, lovers of emergency weight loss prefer a longer period (14 days). In the latter version, the diet is similar to the seven-day method, and the eighth day is represented by the beginning of the repeated diet cycle.

Detailed menu:

Sun Menu
Day 1 Breakfast- milk.

Lunch- broth.

Snack- compote.


dinneris ​​a smoothie.

Day 2 Breakfast- tomatoes.

Lunch- stewed cabbage.

Snack- vegetable salad.

Dinner- fried vegetables.

Day 3 Breakfast- jelly.

Lunch- broth.


Snackis ​​a vegetable cocktail.

Dinner- compote.

Day 4 Breakfast- apple.

Lunch- fruit salad.

Snack- pear.

Dinner- orange.

Day 5 Breakfast- cheese.

Lunch- veal.

Snack- chicken.

Dinner- cottage cheese.

Day 6 Breakfast- yogurt.

Lunch- broth.

Afternoon snack- kefir.

Dinner- jelly.

Day 7 Breakfast- fish.

Lunch- soup.

Snack- fried vegetables.

Dinner- apple.

Day 8 Breakfast- compote.

Lunch- broth.

Snack- milk.

Dinner- yogurt.

Day 9 Breakfast- cucumber.

Lunch- steamed eggplant.

Snack- fried vegetables.

Dinner- vegetable salad.

Day 10 Breakfast- jelly.

Lunch- broth.

Snack- milk.

Dinner- kefir.

Day 11 Breakfast- orange.

Lunch- fruit salad.

Snack- apple.

Dinner- grapefruit.

Day 12 Breakfast- nuts.

Lunch- fish.

Snack- chicken.

Dinner- boiled beans.

Day 13 Breakfast- kefir.

Lunch- broth.

Snackis ​​a fruit cocktail.

Dinner- milk.

Day 14 Breakfast- veal.

Lunch- soup.

Snack- fruit salad.

Dinner- paradise.

Hard diet

The "Favorite" diet described earlier is called "easy. "The classic version of the method is much tougher and is characterized by the best final indicators.

Approach features:

  • Drinking Day.Empty broth, carrot or pumpkin juice, kefir, herbal tea (use mint, chamomile, thyme and others) are allowed.
  • Vegetable Day.There may be a variety of vegetables on the menu. Only beets and potatoes are prohibited. The cooking option can be selected independently. You can't just bake. The addition of salt is strictly contraindicated. Can be replaced with spices. The use of olive oil is permitted. The daily dose is 1500 grams.
  • Drinking Day.Same as the first day.
  • Fruit Day.This is the hardest thing for most users of the Favorite Diet. This attitude is due to the ability of this category of food to arouse appetite. The feeling of fullness lasts for a short time. The amount of fluid consumed on this day should be increased by 0. 5 to 1 liter. Use peaches, green apples, any citrus fruits, pears and so on to compile your diet. Bananas continue to be banned. They are joined by dried apricots, raisins and other delicacies characterized by a high sugar content.
  • Protein day.Once the restrictions are over, it seems very satisfactory. Products from which the diet is formed: chicken fillet, seafood, eggs, cottage cheese, fish. The products used are steamed, cookies or simply cooked. You can improve the taste of your food by using aromatic spices and lemon juice.
  • Drinking Day.Similar to the first day.
  • A varied meal day.This is the last day of technology. There is a need for a gradual return to daily food intake. The menu is made from products authorized for any of the previous six days. This can be an approximate daily meal: soup with buckwheat in broth, meat fried with vegetables, smoothie, salad made of various fruits, flavored with yogurt, etc.

Diet Contraindications

Not everyone who tries to get rid of annoying folds of the body can safely use the "Favorite" diet. This is due to the fact that the latter has several contraindications.

Of which:

  • the time the child is wearing;
  • lactation period;
  • any heart disease;
  • liver disease;
  • renal impairment;
  • vascular problems;
  • gastrointestinal disorders;
  • old age and adolescence.

The presence of any chronic illness is the basis for consulting a nutritionist to find out if you can use the “Favorite” diet.

For women, there are restrictions on the menstrual cycle. It is highly not recommended to start losing weight on critical days. This is due to the fact that during this period the body is already experiencing additional stress.

What results does the diet promise?

The effectiveness of your "Favorite" diet depends on many factors. Average results are recorded at the level of 7 kilograms / calendar week. However, this can only be achieved with strict adherence to the methodology.


Slimmer on your favorite diet

The knowledge of nutritionists and the experience of a large number of people who have lost weight as a result of their “Favorite” diet are on the list of recommendations:

  • The 14-day process of the techniqueincreases the likelihood of adverse effects on the body.An alternative is to extend the seven-day course to one week by repeating the last (seventh) day based on a mixed diet. It is less effective but safer.
  • For those who often face the problem of constipation,a bowel cleansing procedure should be performed before starting a “Favorite” diet. To do this, you can drink a laxative the night before you start losing weight.
  • The technique cannot be repeated more oftenthan once every decade.
  • Changing the order of your "Favorite" diet is strictly prohibited at our sole discretion.
  • You can increase the number of snacks on fruit-based days. The time between them is reduced to 2 hours. This will help you avoid an unbearable hunger.
  • Not everyone who starts a course completes the course.To avoid intimidating the body, beginners need to properly assess their strengths.
  • Here's how:Try out the menu for each scheduled day separately. Such experiments should be performed at intervals of several days.

How do I quit my diet?

The main flaw in many weight loss is the "greedy" return to a normal diet.

The desire to save the result must be supported by actions:

  • Once you’ve finished your “Favorite” diet for a week, you need to stick to a low-calorie menu. It is better to prefer plant-like products. Use fried foods minimally.
  • After completing the treatment, the body will continue to cleanse for a few weeks. Therefore, it is especially important that you continue to drink enough fluids. Although this is important in the future.
  • You should try to turn sweets, pickles, fast food, soda, etc. into a good habit. rejection.
  • The inclusion of confectionery and floury delicacies in the diet should be strictly dosed.
  • It is advisable to reduce salt intake (compared to the "Favorite" pre-diet menu).
  • A physically active lifestyle helps maintain results. These sports, canceling couch gatherings on weekends, walking instead of driving, and more.
Girl before and after her “favorite” diet

The "Favorite" diet is a fairly effective way to lose weight.However, to use it, you need to properly assess the condition of your body. Being slim but sick is not an attractive prospect. Therefore, improving external data should not be at the expense of health.

Before and after photos

After the "Favorite" diet, here's a photo of a slimmer girl: